Knallfabet Podcast März 2016 :: Neue Bücher aus der Slamszene
Poetry-Slam-Autoren stehen längst nicht nur auf der Bühne sondern veröffentlichen immer mehr Bücher. Es hat sich sogar eine Slamaffine Verlagsszene herausgebildet. Doch wie gut funktioniert der Transfer von „stage“ zu „page“? In der aktuellen Sendung geht es um vier sehr unterschiedliche neue Bücher von Poetry Slam Autoren und Autorinnen.
- Pierre Jarawan – Am Ende bleiben die Zedern (Roman), Berlin Verlag, 2016
- Sarah Bosetti – Mein schönstes Ferienbegräbnis (Roman), Voland und Quist, 2015
- Etta Streicher und Rebecca Blöcher – Menschenfressereins, 2016
- Leichen im Grössenwahn – Poetry Slam Texte, Anthologie Frankfurter Slamtexte mit Robin Baumeister, Jan Cönig, GAX, Jey-Jey Glünderling, 2015
The Morning Light – Interface
The Morning Light Project is an Italian band from Messina, formed in 2008. Their sound is a balanced mix of alternative, New Wave and electronic music.The story so far
Since early 2009 the band’s first local performances attracted a growing number of followers and by the end of the same year the musicians began to take their first steps out of the city counting on an established crowd of supporters.
In April 2010 The Morning Light Project was ranked first In the „Indie Concept – Live Rock Fest“, winning the contest and taking part in an exciting final show with remarkable special guests at the Zo Culture (Catania, April 24th).
Thanks to the wide audience reached by internet platforms such as MySpace and Jamendo, the band has the opportunity to perform two significant live shows in London and Paris. The Morning Light Project’s music was so appreciated even beyond the borders of their country, arousing audience interest at the Strongroom Bar (London, May 12th) and at the Piston Pelican Club (Paris, May 14th).
In June 2010, the group receives an important mention by the prestigious jury of „The Music Think Tank – International Awards and Festival“, being selected in the Top 70 over the 550 bands partecipating from around the world.
Band/Album: The Morning Light Project – Interface
Lizenz: Creative Commons – CC BY-SA 3.0
Gefunden bei Jamendo:
Knallfabet – die Sendung für Sprache und Kultur
Live jeden 1. Sonntag im Monat, 12-13 Uhr, Radio X, Frankfurt, 91.8 (oder 99.85 Kabel), Livestream:
Redaktion/Moderation: Dirk Hülstrunk,
Musikauswahl: Oliver Lauberger