Freie Musik :: Silent bells – Mozaïc
Kurz vor dem Urlaub noch mal eine Musikperle vom frischen Franzosen:
Just seven months after releasing his first discographic trial „The Great Noise“, Silent Bells strikes back with his first LP in a mood/style of his own. As the title of the album suggests, Mozaïc is a real patchwork, an motley ensemble filled with influences and colors that are mixed together, even crushed, without never reaching the perfect harmony. Electronic music leads this union, creating a cross-over between rock, dub and world-ambient. This new Silent Bells release presents a synthese between instrumental, analogic, acoustic and electronic musics, trying to bring to each one more than just an exotic touch. „Mozaïc“ features a real downtempo collaboration with spanish dj/producter [wi-ni]2.0 on „La Herencia“.
Steht unter einer freien cc-Linzenz und kann bei Fresh Pulp Records angehört und heruntergeladen werden.
Auf das Relase bin ich bei Starfrosch gestoßen.