
1st Frankfurt Girl Geek Dinner

The Digital Femme (Carmen Villardar) hat wieder ein neue Projekt in Frankfurt am Start. Nachdem sie das monatliche Netzwerk-Frühstück-Kennenlern-Treffen likemind ins Leben gerufen hat, hat sie jetzt auch das Girl Geek Dinner in die Stadt gebracht.

Auch hier geht es neben den Themen Internet, Technik, neue Gadgets, Tools und was sich so alles damit anstellen lässt in erster Linie um Kennenlernen und Vernetzten, hier aber speziell Frauen unter sich – was nicht heißen soll, dass Männer ausgeschlossen sind, aber das wird alles noch genauer auf der Website erklärt.

Hier jedenfalls – erste Gelegenheit zum Kennenlernen – eine Einladung zum ersten Frankfurter Girl Geek Dinner:

Open Invitation to Our 1st Frankfurt Girl Geek Dinner
Tuesday, 16 September 2008

The 1st Frankfurt Girl Geek Dinner will officially take place on Thursday October 2, 2008 at the Brotfabrik, Frankfurt – Hausen. The event starts with a „mixer & elixir“ from 6:30pm – 7:15pm’ish.

The dinner will be held in the very accommodating kp-21 Café. There, you can choose from a wide selection of beverages and delicious meals that you may want to enjoy while being seated for the evening’s program.

We encourage our guests to mingle and feel comfortable in sharing your thoughts on technology, fashion, food, your latest sexy tech gadget or views on the world.

Interesting *ice breaker* activities are planned as well as a presentation or two.
We’ve set an initial seating limit to 20 people. If you plan on attending please let us know ASAP by registering via email at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . Deadline for registration will be Wednesday, October 1 at 12 noon. If we receive a registration of more than 20 attendees we’ll still be able to accommodate everyone as long as we receive your email by the deadline stated.

Guys can definitely attend but they need to bring a female guest with them. If you are a guy and want to attend our Girl Geek Dinners in Frankfurt, just register via the email provided telling us your name and the name of your female guest(s) and no cheating.

We’ll be posting a list of names of people (and their guests) that have registered via email on the *Registered Guest Tab* as we get them.

Come join us for a night of fun, networking, learning and empowerment.

Brotfabrik Hausen e .V.
Bachmannstr. 2-4
D-60488 Frankfurt am Main


See you all there!