likemind frankfurt
The digital femme alias Carmen Villadar lädt nun zum zweiten Mal zum „likemind frankfurt“ ein. Netzwerken am Freitagmorgen, ein zwangloses Treffen um neue Leute kennenzulernen, sich auszutauschen und vielleicht gemeinsame Projekte zu finden. Es wird Englisch und Deutsch gesprochen, auch eine gute Möglichkeiten, rostige Sprachkenntnisse aufzufrischen.
JOIN US FOR a GLOBAL MORNING COFFEE EVENT : (likemind) frankfurt will be hosting its 2nd event this Friday.
who: people like you
what: an opportunity to enjoy coffee and conversation
why: because drinking good coffee with likeminded people is fun
where: at the Baguette Company & Coffee venue on Kaiserstrasse 39 near the Hauptbahnoff.
when: Friday, April 18, 2008 starting at 8:00h to approximately 12:00h (yes, it’s in the morning)
how: piers and noah thought it might be a good idea originally, and lots of other folks seemed to agree
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Stop in before work, if you’re in the neighbourhood or if you happen to be off on Friday, then drag yourself out of bed and meet new people!
You can drop in anytime before 12:00h noon.
Bring in your wireless enabled device to test out their FREE wifi!
You can view our (likemind) debut event that took place Friday, March 28 on flickr.Hope to see you there.
Carmen Villadar